Monday, December 22, 2008

The Celebrating has Officially Started!!!

OK anyone who knows me knows how much I love this time of year. Also anyone who knows me knows that I am still a smidge sad that last years festivities were ruined by breaking my leg and spending three days in the hospital hooked to a morphine pump!

Anyway, my 28th birthday was Sunday and we started celebrating on Saturday. It's tradition that Mom and I always go shopping on my birthday. When I just had Noah we took him when he was tiny but he has since inherited his Daddy's passionate hatred for all things shopping related so he opted out this year. So me, Mom, and princess Lil' took off for a girls day of shopping and lunch, etc. It was so fun, but I'll spare you the details of our purchases!

Saturday night the kids decided they couldn't wait to give me some gifts so I opened two candles and a Dr. Oz book from them (I really truly love Dr. Oz....) Then we went off to a fancy family dinner at Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut is one of the "safe" places for Noah to eat (there's only 2 or 3 we take him to) and since the manager also has a severe egg allergy we feel pretty safe in their food prep. We then went to the mall and to Kohl's with our aunt Beth (who's birthday was Saturday also!!!) We always have so much fun together.

Sunday, was Sunday school and church at Jock and the kids were all dressed in their Christmas clothes. AFter the service Mom fixed me a birthday dinner at her house. We all ate and then watched my 2nd favorite movie of all time (right behind Gone with the Wind) It's a wonderful Life. OK, so the rest of my family hates this movie, and I make them watch it every year anyway and then spend the rest of the day telling them how great it is and that I can't believe they don't like it...they continue to roll their eyes and be thankful they don't have to watch it for another year! Then we went to the Christmas Program at Pleasant Union. Noah loved it!

Anyway, it was a great weekend and I'm so glad to have spent it walking around on my own two legs instead of in a hospital bed like last year! I enjoyed every second of it! I'm now ready to celebrate Christmas and or 10 year anniversary the day after Christmas!


PS Travis has enjoyed reminding me that I have one birthday left in my twenties and then gleefully informed me that I was now twice as old as when we first met (we started dating when I was 14) Thanks you too!!!


Erica Simpson said...

Merry Christmas to you!
I can't wait to see Christmas morning pictures!

The Stice's said...

Merry Christmas! I hope it's the best ever!!

Shanna said...

It is a very busy time of the year!! Merry Christmas!!

Lesley said...

Happy Birthday Jessica! I am so sorry I forgot to call!! On Saturday I remember thinking - I need to call Jessica tomorrow and then it just left me. Anyway, I'm glad that you had a great weekend and tell Travis he's nearly twice as old as he was when the two of you started dating too!!!

Carol said...

Glad you had a great birthday. You deserve it!

Stewarts' said...

I'm glad you had a great birthday. Thanks for helping this crazy woman get her Christmas cards!