First of all I was very excited at the great feedback from the Photography lesson post so don't worry. I'm working on material for the next one which will continue from the first one. I do plan to get a little more technical as it goes along but I want to stay very very basic at first. So stay tuned.
Secondly I just have a funny little story about our girls day out today. Me and Lil had to do a little grocery shopping but I needed to make a little run to the Clinique counter at Dillard's first. Also it was Clinique bonus time which is all the better. I have a friend from high school who works there and she is so sweet and her name is Candi. Lilly had never met Candi, but today she ran up to her at Dillard's and hugged her like they were long lost soul mates. Interestingly enough Lilly only knows the word "candy" in one context and it is not names. So while I was trying to figure out what I needed, Lilly heard me say Candi and that's all it took. She was determined to figure out which little tube or box held candy...for her. I finally got my purchases made and she proudly carried the bag out of the store rambling about candy the whole way to the car. I then proceeded to have to WRENCH the bag out of the child's hand to get her in the car seat because she was so convinced that it had candy in it....hmmm there is no reasoning with a two year old who thinks her candy is being stolen from her...
Second story about candy today. We had a trying night at prayer meeting. Lilly was in rare form and she was climbing all over the seat and bouncing around and well just generally making mayhem. She manages to dig in the crack of the seat cushion on the bench and wedge out a smartie that had been there since who knows how long. Before I can pry it from her fingers, all the while I'm telling her it's old and dirty, she tells me "No it not!!!" and she eats it. Yep she eats it, it was probably covered in e coli or something but too late now.
2 months ago
Layton says, "it not!" all the time - must be a 2 year old thing!!
If you were setting in the second bench I have good news...the smartie was probably only a week old. LOL!!! They boys love them, but they are always dropping stuff like that all over the place. That is too funny. Sorry about that though :). Tell Lilly I will leave her a whole unopened pack in the bench next time. Ha!
Unfortunately, Lilly has probably eaten worse while you weren't looking. :) It's amazing at school how many times I tell 3rd & 4th graders not to eat something they've dropped on the carpet and today I had to throw away a kid's cheez-its when I saw him coming out of the bathroom stall with the crackers, eat one and then wash his hands... something is wrong with that picture!
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