Ah, the wonders of flu season...oh you didn't know it was flu season? Yep, most people are blessed with the flu in the months of November to February. My sweet little Noah manages to contract it last week after spring has officially sprung. Bless his heart, neither he or Lilly Grace gets the flu vaccine (because of their egg allergies...the flu vaccine is made of eggs). So every year we manage to get it. In my previous post I mentioned that he didn't feel well the night that the revival started, well by Saturday he was a very very sick little boy. Long story short, we took him to get tested and he was positive for Flu type a. They treated him with two antivirals and treated our entire family as well. Travis ended up sick anyway and spent the middle part of the week in bed. My poor dad kept the kids the day Noah was getting sick (before we realized It) and he came down with the flu and is still not well after an entire round of tamiflu. Thankfully, Noah got much better and by the weekend I thought we were in the clear. Not so fast...Saturday night I woke up with a horrible sore throat and my head aching. I chalk it up to allergies and chug on...I mean Mom's don't get sick days! Monday morning Lil gets up with green goo coming out of her nose and eyes and by midday she is vomiting after a violent coughing fit. We try saline, suction, cool mist, decongestants and a breathing treatment. By nightfall she has 101.5 temp. Basically, this morning we leave the pediatricians office with a diagnosis of double ear infection, pink eye in both eyes and upper respiratory infection. Before I can pull out of the parking lot to come home, Mom calls my cell phone to tell us that Noah's eye is swelled and running. My two darlings refuse to share toys but will gladly share pink eye!!! Oh and my "allergies" have reared their nasty head and affected my asthma into full blown bronchitis so I'm on a round of sterioids and antibiotics (thank God for Dr. Cavanah, our allergist!)
I'm seriously thinking about just giving my bank account number to Graves Gilbert Clinic and CVS Pharmacy so they can just empty it out periodically. It would be so much easier...
But seriously, I don't care what else I have to spend if my babies would just get well, They've both been sick off and on since December and after Noah's eye scare we're so ready for a break...
On a happier note, I'm getting ready to post where people can start voting on the photography contest!!! It's going to be fun!!!
I should mention something funny that did happen today. We had to make a quick trip to a different pharmacy to pick up some probiotics for Lilly to supplement with, and she is the sickest most pitiful looking little girl you've ever seen. I took her to the doctor in her pj's cause she was too sick to get up and change. She has two swollen eyes, a bright red nose, and her mass of curls was totally out of control after fever, etc. Anyway, you would have thought she was Miss America in the drug store. She waved and grinned and said "Hi" and "Bye" to at least 20 people before we left the pharmacy. OK and only 10 of those people looked at me like, "You idiot mother, that baby is sick, take her home and put her to bed..." People that's what I'm trying to do....
1 month ago
I'm so sorry! I didn't know, or I would've called and offered to help! Hope everyone's better ASAP!
Ugh!! I know that's so hard, especially when everyone's sick. We had a round with all of that about 3 weeks ago. In one week, all four of us seen a doctor. One had the flu, one had a bacterial infection, a sinus infection, and one had a combo of it all! It's rough but I'm sure it will get better for you soon.
Sorry you have had such a hard week! Maybe things will be looking up now! :)
I hope she's feeling better! She looked adorable in the pharamcy - I loved the pjs!
Oh my! I feel for ya, Jess. Hang in there, and hopefully EVERYONE will be feeling better soon. Having sick babies is the worst!
Bless your heart!
When it rains...it pours!
First of all, let it be said that you truly do pick THE BEST music for your blogs! : )
Secondly, the only thing worse than your kids getting pink eye is treating your kids for pink eye. At my house that usually entails two adults straddling the child.
Oh my Jessica. I feel for you! I know a few weeks ago I didn't think I was ever going to get everyone well around here.
You can tell Noah he was missed by Isaac this weekend!
Hope you all get better soon!!!
(And by the way, I have got some of the exact same looks when the boys are sick and I am stopping to get their medicine, so don't feel bad.)
My goodness! You just can't win lately! I figure there has to be something wonderful coming your way soon for all the sickness you all have had deal with lately! That is how it works, right?!
How trying!!!! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!!
Goodness, you all have had it rough! I hope you ALL are well soon!
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