I wlll probably bore some of you to death with this post...but it's my blog so I'm venting! I have been watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 since the very first season and I have never missed an episode. I DVR the things, I watch the marathons when they come on and I will even watch reruns if I'm not watching something else. It honestly is the only show that I watch every week. I never got into American Idol, The Bachelor, the dancing stuff, nope I was addicted to Jon and Kate.
It began out of just cruising the TLC channel. I found out that once you had a child who was old enough to repeat everything they heard on TV there really was almost nothing on TV past 7 pm that was fit for little ears to hear or little eyes to see. (I did watch Grey's Anatomy after they went to bed but some of the content of the last season left me a little disenchanted with it.) So one day I happened upon the lovely Gosselin family with their massive amounts of small kids and a mom and dad who were somehow making it work despite the stress.
Then I continued to watch and as has been on all of the tabloids it has all apparently fallen apart. It makes me very sad for them and for their kids most of all.
Travis couldn't stand the show because he hated how Kate talked down to Jon all the time, and honestly the last couple of shows she was a little diva-ish. Then I saw the final show that aired with Jon and his newly peirced ears and his apartment and now he was on Good Morning America with his 22 year old girlfriend and he filed for divorce 3 weeks ago. Sad.
Anyway, probalby of no interest to anyoone else but it gives me a break from blogging about breathing treatments and blood tests!!!
2 months ago
I agree. I loved the show as well. I am now sad about the entire situation. I hate it for the kids mostly.
Jon has changed - he's having some "early" mid -life crisis. I hope he doesn't regret these decisions in the future.
Even though I am a fan, I hope they stop doing any more new shows.....shut the cameras off and work on your family!!!!!!
I always felt sorry for Jon too though. I do not think he should have acted the way he has at all, but she really gave him a hard way to go. Poor kiddos.
I like the show too, and Keith hates it for the same reason Travis does. I hate that they have split up, wish they could work it out for the kids sake. I did see somewhere where they are going to continue with filming on August 3rd. Not sure how they are going to pull that one off.
Jon is as crazy as Kate is! QUIT THE SHOW ALREADY! For goodness sake, how much more is it going to have to cost them before they see that it's tearing their family apart. However, I guess when it pays for everything, that is easier said than done. Poor little kids!
My story is much like yours as to how I got addicted to the show, Emma has to be their biggest fan!! I know we get made fun of for feeling sympathy towards them, regardless of the tv show, there are 8 kids' hearts that are being torn apart...I can relate and even being 27 it is still devasting!!
Totally agree with you. Oh, and Andy can't stand the show either.
I have watched the show since the first episode too. Loved it!! I think they have both brought the problems on themselves. Jon can't just decide that he doesn't want that life anymore. Umm...there your kids too ya know. On the flip-side, Kate has changed since she started having all these book signings and was always rude to Jon. I just feel sorry for the kids. A divorce is bad enough but for it to be made so public is really bad.
I understand-Barrett and I argue about who is really at fault!
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